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September 2020 Dividends

Many portfolio moves happened for September, and a good bump in my dividend income was seen!

TLDR; I have a video as well if you’re not interested in reading.

Here’s a breakdown of my September 2020 dividends.

My September 2020 Dividend Breakdown

In total, I made $13.60 in September.

If we compare this to last month’s returns, it is considerably lower by $4-5. While that may be the case, compared to 3 months before, June 2020, it is bigger by $0.67.

This increase were primarily caused by my addition of $SCHH to my portfolio and adding more positions to $LAND and $GOOD, although in small amounts.

$LAND saw an increase of $0.05 due to the addition of 1 more share, while $GOOD saw an increase of $0.12 due to the addition of the same amount.

Adding $SCHH is in lined with my strategy of adding more quarterly dividends into the mix, so that my quarterly income balances out with my other months. I want to lessen experiencing rollercoaster dividend income every month.

Currently, my biggest quarterly dividend payers are $GNL and $T, amounting on average $30 and $5 respectively. Adding $SCHH to the mix will fill in the months of March, June, September and December. Thus, completing my payment schedule for quarterly dividends.

The next thing to do now is to keep adding to my quarterly positions, and keeping an eye on my monthly payers.

Since I decided to continue investing $100 a month on my WeBull account, it will accelerate my portfolio growth and dividend returns. What sucks though is that for WeBull, they don’t have any automatic deposits at the moment. I gotta do manual transfer every time. But it’s just a small thing I’m complaining about.

How are your September dividends doing so far?