Time to do another student loan update!
TLDR; I have a brief video version of my update as well!
As always, we’re gonna go and focus on paying off my Sallie Mae loan #4245. This time it currently has more than $2,500 left in balance. And as always, I’m gonna pay off an extra of $345.14 on top of the $54.86 monthly minimum I pay.
By the time the payment is processed, I should have at least $2,100 left in my loan balance.
My other Sallie Mae loan, #6489, previously had around $6,400. But with my latest minimum payment on it, it’s now down to $6,300.
That brings down my entire Sallie Mae balance to around $8,400 plus change.
As for my other student loans, I won’t go too much into it.
My College Avenue total is still around $3,400.
And my Federal loans total around $12,000.
I’ll start updating here once I’ve started tackling those loans. So, for the sake of simplicity (and my sanity), I’ll only be detailing mg journey (for now) in paying off Sallie Mae #4245, along with #6489, until I get to detailing College Avenue.
That’s pretty much it!